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From the Ground to the Sky

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Skyscape Archaeology, only recognised as such in 2014, as a method of investigating the connections between the ground and the sky, brought archaeology and archaeoastronomy closer together, while imbuing the latter with the diverse and up-to-date set of methodologies and theoretical frameworks that characterise modern archaeology and anthropology. Although several important strides still need to be made in order to fully bridge the interdisciplinary gap, the approach of skyscape archaeologists has proven successful, with the skyscape being increasingly recognised by archaeologists at large as an important component of any research project that tries to understand the lifeworlds of past societies.

This book commemorates the tenth anniversary of Skyscape Archaeology by assembling a series of papers (collected from the volumes of the Journal of Skyscape Archaeology) that demonstrate the theoretical and methodological breadth, as well as the socio-cultural depth of interpretation, that define this new wave of archaeoastronomy. It will serve not only as a celebration of research accomplished over the last decade, but also as a testament to what skyscape research can look like.

Published: Sep 15, 2025

Book Contributors

Section Chapter Authors
Chapter 1
Foreword Timothy Darvill
Chapter 2
Introduction: Ten Years of Skyscape Archaeology Fabio Silva, Liz Henty
Theory and Method
3. Reflecting the Sky in Water: A Phenomenological Exploration of Water-skyscapes Ilaria Cristofaro
4. A Neolithic World View Lost in Translation: The Case of the Tarxien Temples Katya Stroud
5. Analysis of Structures' Orientations in Archaeoastronomy: Methods for the Quantitative Statistical Assessment of Peaks in Composite Probability Distributions José Abril Hernández
6. Notes on the Accuracy of Google Earth Pro Heading Information for Archaeoastronomy and Landscape Archaeology Studies William Romain
7. Cosmo-Logics in Contemporary Lowland South America Alejandro López, Augustina Altman
Case Studies
8. The Great Stone Circle (B) at Grange, Co. Limerick: A Ceremonial Space for All Seasons? Frank Prendergast
9. Crab Supernova Rock Art: A Comprehensive, Critical and Definitive Review Edwin Krupp
10. Using Virtual Reality to understand Astronomical knowledge and Historical Landscapes at Preclassic Ceros, Belize Jeffrey Vadala, Susan Milbrath
11. "Sun Marker": A Laboratory for Experiential Cultural Astronomy Angela Richman, Von Del Chamberlain, Joe Pachak
12. Investigating Archaeology and Astronomy at the Hurlers, Cornwall 2013-2019 Jacky Nowakowski, Carolyn Kennett, James Gossip, Brian Sheen
13. The Golden Hat of Schifferstadt: An Astronomically Significant Deposit Location? Luca Amendola
14. "A Slow Convergence"? Archaeoastronomy and Archaeology Anthony Aveni, Timothy Pauketat, Juan Belmonte, Timothy Darvill