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Book: Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway

Chapter: LARM Investigations in Interior Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Excavations of House Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.33996


The LARM project (Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Arctic Norway 2500 BC–AD 1000 – see Chapter 1, this volume), while primarily focusing on Kárášjohka/Karasjok municipality (see Chapter 8, this volume), also undertook small-scale investigations in western Finnmark, and these are presented here. Additionally, one of the stepping-stones for the LARM project was a research project on prehistoric housing in the interior conducted by one of the authors (MS) in the mid-2000s (Skandfer and Bruun 2006; Skandfer 2009a; 2012a) in the Báhčeveaijohka/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana river valleys, in the eastern part of Finnmark. These excavations have not previously been published, and the connection with the LARM project’s overall theme of landscape knowledge and resource management makes it relevant to present them here.

Chapter Contributors

  • Marianne Skandfer ( - mskandfer) 'Tromsø Museum – The University Museum, UIT - The Arctic University of Norway'
  • Bryan C. Hood ( - bryanhood) 'UiT - the Arctic University of Norway'