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Book: Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway

Chapter: LARM Investigations in Interior Troms 1: Lakes Álddesjávri-Lenesjávri/Altevatnet-Leinevatnet and Vuolit Rostojávri/Lille Rostavatnet

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.33997


Right from the early planning of the LARM project (Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Arctic Norway 2500 BC–AD 1000 – see Chapter 1, this volume), it was obvious that in order to gain maximum insights pertaining to the project’s aims, the field investigations should form a continuation of the present author’s fieldwork within his Stone Age of Southern and Mid-Troms County in its Northern Fennoscandian Context project (Blankholm 1998; 1999; 2001; 2008b; 2011b). Intensive surveys and excavations had been carried out since 1998 and 2001 in the two focus areas: Ostu, between Alte- and Leinavatnet (Fig. 10.1), and Lille Rostavatnet (Fig. 10.24, below). However, more information was needed for deeper insights into what were supposedly monitoring sites, and into the use of house pits and hunting-pit systems. Thus, in 2009 Leinavasshytta 1 – a supposed monitoring site found in 2001 (Blankholm 2009b) – was excavated, and the dwelling pits Leinavasshytta 2, 3 and 4 test pitted in order to extract charcoal for a prospective set of dates. Leinavasshytta 4, prospectively dated to 2390 ± 30 BP (415–400 BC – Blankholm 2011b), was totally excavated the following year, and in 2011 the focus shifted for a season to dwelling pits at Lille Rostavatnet 1 and Lombolnes 1, along with the previously test pitted Lombolnes 2 site (prospectively dated to AD 600–675) (Blankholm 1998; 1999; 2011b). In 2012, the focus shifted back to Ostu in order to test pit and date a wider range of dwelling pits and hunting-pit systems. The dwelling pits at Buolžagorssajohka, Leinavatnet III and Skierreluokta 1 and 2 were test pitted, as well as individual pits in the hunting systems Leinavatnet V, Røykskaret and Suttesgáldojohka (Suddesgoldajohka). Below are presentations of the two focus areas and a detailed account of the individual field investigations.

Chapter Contributors

  • Hans Peter Blankholm ( - hpblankholm) 'University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway.'