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Book: Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway

Chapter: LARM Investigations in Interior Troms 2: The Guomojávrrit Region

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.36897


The aim of the current chapter is to discuss Sámi resource exploitation in interior Troms, grounded on the archaeological evidence from two sites with row-hearths (i.e. hearth-row sites) at Guomojávrrit. In the discussion, the question of Sámi involvement with tame reindeer prior to the mid-sixteenth century is emphasized. It is argued that a comparative study of relevant written sources, place names and evidence from relevant archaeological sites, finds and results from Guomojávrrit may shed new light on the scope and character of Sámi economy, landscape exploitation, social organization and ethnic interaction since the late Iron Age (IA). As a background for discussion, a presentation will first be given of the landscape characteristics and historical sources of this region, as well as a short review of research on hearth-row sites.

Chapter Contributors

  • Asgeir Svestad ( - asgeirs) 'UiT - The Arctic University of Norway'