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Book: Fabricating Authenticity

Chapter: On the Tyranny of Individualism: MAGA Boy, Media and the Drum

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.40268


In this chapter, Sheedy’s explores the media portrayal of the 2019 Covington Catholic High School incident involving a Native American elder and MAGA student supporters to examine the tendency, especially in white, Euro-Western cultures, of centering the “individual” as the locus of meaning. Whether or not the initial narrative of the story was distorted, Sheedy argues that the asymmetries of power to create, shape, and control such narratives are contingent upon existing fields of knowledge, where certain symbols and language can rely on a degree of intelligibility among the general public, while others

Chapter Contributors

  • Matt Sheedy ( - msheedy) 'University of Bonn'