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Book: Discourses of Crisis and the Study of Religion

Chapter: Don’t Call it a Crisis, It’s Been Here for Years: The Uses and Abuses of Anomaly

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.43930


The introduction authored by the editor will set out the issues and explain the organization of the volume. It will offer a reflection on the ways in which the field of religious studies continues to construct “religion” as an object of study vis-à-vis other categories (in this case, crisis) as if it is self-evident. The introduction explicitly positions this book as an alternative to the approach put forth by the American Academy of Religion, serving as an example of a more critical approach to the study of religion in times of crisis. Following the introduction, the book is comprised of four sections that focus on one of the following key categories in theorizing “crisis”: Language, Lexicon, Locus, and Locution.

Chapter Contributors

  • Lauren Horn Griffin ( - lgriffin1) 'Louisiana State University'