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Book: Judaism in Five Minutes

Chapter: Are Jews White?

DOI: 10.1558/equinox.46875


The question “Are Jews White?” assumes homogeneity among all Jews and conflates Jewishness with European descent. While the majority of Jews in the US are of European descent and are considered White, at least fifteen percent of US Jews identify as Jews of color, including Jews of African descent. Race, however, is constructed differently across time and location. While Jews in Europe were persecuted based on racial ideas, European-descended Jews in the Americas were legally considered White and participated in settler-colonial projects. In contrast, racial dynamics in Israel differ, as the state not only systemically oppresses Palestinians, but has also discriminated against its Mizrahi Jewish population.

Chapter Contributors

  • Sabina Ali ( - sabrinaali) 'Indiana University, Bloomington (PhD candidate)'